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Behind‌ ‌The‌ ‌Scenes©‌ ‌the‌ ‌passion‌ ‌behind‌ ‌the‌ ‌shutter‌

#1: Muse with photographer, ecmunson; #2 Father and Son by Frank Meyers (also pictured)


“...and so, I waited, knee-deep in that cold water ..” That was just one fragment of a conversation I overheard one evening at an art gallery as Tim described to a small audience how he had planned and executed a particular photographic shot. Looking around I saw many other knots of people nodding their heads, moving in to examine a piece, stepping back, some rubbing their chins while others held their heads to one side squinting at work before moving along to the next photograph.

From going through family albums of yore to the ongoing seasons of selfies, people are as enthralled with seeing the places and faces today as they were of yesteryears. And there is no shortage of interest in the end results, be they virtual, in albums, sitting on a desk or mantel, or hung on the wall with much pride.

Likewise, the equipment and many processes available today often have as much appeal for the technophile as with photography buffs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. Today, while the analogue platform is making a comeback and melding with the digital options available, many digital enthusiasts continue their deep dive exclusively into that world.

Anecdotally, I can note that Downtown Camera in Toronto recently expanded their darkroom facilities due to demand in black and white film processing and developing, and that the Latow Photography Guild, operating out of the Art Gallery of Burlington, has both a studio space with lighting equipment and backdrops plus a darkroom with several workstations. Photo Place Gallery out of Burlington, Vermont, has monthly exhibitions with visiting curators, many of whom have their roots, formal training, and current practices in analogue processes.

Closer to home back in Brampton there is a gem of a gallery on Queen Street where you can often see photography hung in different exhibits. Beaux Arts Gallery’s last show, Everything Beaux, had a number of photography entries, half of which came from members of the Latow Photography Guild which operates out of the Art Gallery of Burlington.

Latow members Frank Myers, Monique Campbell, and ecmunson, had four pieces in the recent show with Campbell’s piece, Montreal Sunset, receiving a second place award. Myers, known for his passion of environmental photography, had his stellar capture, Father and Son, hung in this show. As he comments about this piece, “(It’s all about) recognizing when one is in the right place at the right time and being alert to the moment."

As an avid photographer (ecmunson), I do a lot of ‘candid portraiture’, shooting hand-held in available light to capture the intimacy and truth of emotional landscapes with as much spontaneity and freshness as possible. My aim is for the camera to be invisible to the people I observe so there is minimal self-consciousness intruding.

What we share is our common passion for creating images that resonate with people. Communicating the feeling and ideas behind a capture is why we chase the light, working with Mother nature’s paintbrush; these fuel the passion behind the shutter.

Note: Written initially for Beaux Arts Brampton’s blog, parts of this seminal piece have inspired a longer column for the Peel Weekly News which included more about Beaux Arts Gallery’s 2019 exhibit as part of the Scotiabank CONTACT Festival.

Further, an abridged version of the latter will be submitted to the Latow Photography Guild for its June newsletter with some additional copy possibly included about another Latow member’s work.


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